Stephan Bodzin - Session Deluxe (SSL) 20-05-2007. Awesome mix of mostly his own tracks plus some unreleased tunes. Look for this German producer to be performing live at Studio 88 in July.
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Total time 46:08
01. gregor tresher - unknown - cdr
02. stephan bodzin - planet ypsilon - herzblut
03. stephan bodzin vs marc romboy - calisto - systematic
04. stephan bodzin - treibsand - cocoon
05. stephan bodzin vs marc romboy - pandora - systematic
06. florian meindl - tears - kling klong
07. stephan bodzin - turbine - herzblut
08. stephan bodzin - vendetta - herzblut
09. stephan bodzin - liebe ist - herzblut
10. Stephan bodzin - luka-leon - herzblut
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Stephan Bodzin - Session Deluxe (SSL) 20-05-2007
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Studio 88 in July.
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Total time 46:08
01. gregor tresher - unknown - cdr
02. stephan bodzin - planet ypsilon - herzblut
03. stephan bodzin vs marc romboy - calisto - systematic
04. stephan bodzin - treibsand - cocoon
05. stephan bodzin vs marc romboy - pandora - systematic
06. florian meindl - tears - kling klong
07. stephan bodzin - turbine - herzblut
08. stephan bodzin - vendetta - herzblut
09. stephan bodzin - liebe ist - herzblut
10. Stephan bodzin - luka-leon - herzblut">

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Total time 46:08
01. gregor tresher - unknown - cdr
02. stephan bodzin - planet ypsilon - herzblut
03. stephan bodzin vs marc romboy - calisto - systematic
04. stephan bodzin - treibsand - cocoon
05. stephan bodzin vs marc romboy - pandora - systematic
06. florian meindl - tears - kling klong
07. stephan bodzin - turbine - herzblut
08. stephan bodzin - vendetta - herzblut
09. stephan bodzin - liebe ist - herzblut
10. Stephan bodzin - luka-leon - herzblut">

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