00 - 3d!t "Bleep Intro"
I still giggle at this damn thing.
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01 - The Don "The Horn Song" Strictly Rhythm [The Horn Song EP 1998]
Choon! A relatively recent acquaintance of mine loves this song. I found out last week. So this first tune is for Danielle of Blubuni. Virtually all of Pierre's stuff is good music, but this is definitely one of his personal best.
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02 - Blake Baxter "Energizer" Tresor 97 [Tresor 3 LP 2000]
Another old Detroit gem. I've been on a bit of a motor city rampage lately. Digging up a lot of old stuff and buying a few new ones. Detroit is sorta where I started off so I guess it's only likely I detour through my old haunt from time to time.
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03 - Mark Seven "Gonz Gets F.U." Rotation 98011 [Dancefloor Techniques Volume 1 EP 1998]
I don't quite recall how I discovered Mark Seven, but I'm glad I did. Out of his half dozen or so EPs there is only 1 I only have 1 copy of. The man knows Techno and Funk like I know my navel and junk. This EP in particular is known to anyone who has heard Dave Angel's "39 Flavours of Tech Funk" mix CD. I think 3 of the 4 tracks are featured on it.
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04 - TSR "The 7th Otto Odie 7th Otto" HorSpielMusik 44 [Transexual Swiss Rebels EP 2004]
TSR are definitely one of my favorite acts right now. Those three nerds do no wrong. Mostly because their wrong is so right. I'm lucky enough to get all kinds of random tracks and remixes from them and let me tell you, the stuff they actually release is great, but they're sitting on gold as well. Brats! The Ep Sleeve says that this record was only Robi and Fredi...I guess Tomi sat this one out. Still smells like Teen Spirit to me though.
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05 - Subhead "Unknown" Subhead 02 [Forest Friends EP 1996]
One of the best Subhead records to date. I dare you to challenge me on that one. This isn't even the track the EP is known for. I thought I'd give that one a rest. I find the first couple Subhead records (on their label) are crazy good and then it kinda tapers off in the middle of the catalog only to pick up again around 13 or 14...I guess it's good that "tapers off" for Subhead means it's still better than 90% of the Techno out there. They've got that going for them...
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06 - Lief Ryan "Royale Battle" Iron Oxide 04 [Las Vegas Of The North EP 2005]
I completely forgot about this record. I've had it for 2 years apparently and this month is the first time I've put it in my bag to play out. The only reason I rediscovered it is because of my girlfriend. She put on a CD with this track mixed in it. I probably made the CD the week I got the record...It took me a while to figure out what it was again, but I'm glad I did. Lief rocked it hard for Iron Oxide!
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07 - Outsider "Sex is Extra (No Assembly Firm's .Dotbleep Re-Edit)" Junior Boy's Own 12 [Sex is Extra EP 2006]
This is one of those tasty Chicago House records that's come out recently that I can't seem to put down. It grabs people's attention and works well with most anything else I've ever thrown into it. According to Sylvia, my girlfriend it has the three things that go into a perfect track: Bass, Tweak and Vox. I can't refute that.
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08 - Wyndell Long "Chapped Lips" Peacefrog 50 [She Heard Me Cry EP 1996]
Wyndell Long is awesome. Techno, House, Booty...whatever he does. Solid production. Solid understanding of a track. Knows how to jack. This is an older one I first heard played by Terry Mullan. There's another old Wyndell on Peacefrog as well, but it's a more Deep house oriented number. I still recommend it though.
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09 - Frankie Bones "Unknown" Last Label 01 [(Pro)File. (Pro)Duce EP 2004]
I got this from Frankie back before it came out. I had just made a record order through him and he ended up throwing in 3-4 extras into the box. This was one of them. It's a great rework of DHS' "House of God".
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10 - Neil Landstrumm "Help Me" Music Man 98 [Asphyxia EP 2002]
Neil on point. The Bassline does my head in. The flipside with The Horrorist is catchy as hell as well in a sort of haunting chant kinda way.
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11 - Infiniti "Skyway" Tresor 105 [Skynet: The Infiniti Colection LP 1998]
I started the mix off with a track I know Danielle of Blubuni likes and now I toss a track in that I know Eric of Blubuni likes. It's a great track. proof they know their music.
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12 - Kenny Larkin "Catatonic (Carl Craig Mix)" R&S Records 94058 [Catatonic Mixes EP 1994]
I don't think this song can be truly apreciated in a mp3 mix. It needs to be felt as well as heard. The low end in this one does something to you on a good system. The morphing bass and clanks don't stop moving and they funnel your energy so very well...Gold star!
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13 - Luke Hess "Omniscient (Falko Brocksieper Remix)" Beretta Grey 03 [Absolute Truth EP 2007]
I don't know who this is. I was given this record at a gig. It's forgettable almost entirely. The Falko mix however sparks it up. It's his tracky nature shining through I think. That and his more 'full' sounding production. Takes it about 3 notches past the original.
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14 - Massi DL "Minimal Mushrooms" Frankie Records 18 [1UP EP 2007]
I like the bloops in this one.
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15 - Jeremy P. Caulfield "Hollow Sky" Trapez 21 [The Cities EP 2002]
Jeremy is a local boy, although he's moved to Germany. This is one of his earlier releases and to be honest is only 1 of 2 that I've purchased. I think this one is his best. It hits square in the dance floor.
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16 - Massi DL "Minimal Mushrooms" Frankie Records 18 [1UP EP 2007]
I like the bloops in this one.
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17 - Jeremy P. Caulfield "Ripped Backsides" Trapez 21 [The Cities EP 2002]
Jeremy is a local boy, although he's moved to Germany. This is one of his earlier releases and to be honest is only 1 of 2 that I've purchased. I think this one is his best. It hits square in the dance floor.
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18 - S-max "Limited (S-max Kool Aid Edit)" Overdrive 158 [Limited Remixes EP 2005]
S-max is one of the few "minimal" or "tech-house" producers wo I buy without question. This release is a shining example why. It's got the goods in spades. The vocal which comes out almost as an exhalation plus the thin little acid line is enough to satisfy even the hardest of the core.
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19 - Unknown
I don't know what's up with this EP, even took me a while to find the discogs link since there is so little info on it. It's a great Acid record, but beyond that it's a mystery. It's one of my little scores that have been made. You search through enough of what stores call "Acid house" and eventually you actually find one or two.
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Bleep Radio #64
Posted by
isoprax 4134 days ago
fun in the murky
bleep radio
trevor wilkes
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I still giggle at this damn thing.
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01 - The Don "The Horn Song" Strictly Rhythm [The Horn Song EP 1998]
Choon! A relatively recent acquaintance of mine loves this song. I found out last week. So this first tune is for Danielle of Blubuni. Virtually all of Pierre's stuff is good music, but this is definitely one of his personal best.
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02 - Blake Baxter "Energizer" Tresor 97 [Tresor 3 LP 2000]
Another old Detroit gem. I've been on a bit of a motor city rampage lately. Digging up a lot of old stuff and buying a few new ones. Detroit is sorta where I started off so I guess it's only likely I detour through my old haunt from time to time.
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03 - Mark Seven "Gonz Gets F.U." Rotation 98011 [Dancefloor Techniques Volume 1 EP 1998]
I don't quite recall how I discovered Mark Seven, but I'm glad I did. Out of his half dozen or so EPs there is only 1 I only have 1 copy of. The man knows Techno and Funk like I know my navel and junk. This EP in particular is known to anyone who has heard Dave Angel's "39 Flavours of Tech Funk" mix CD. I think 3 of the 4 tracks are featured on it.
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04 - TSR "The 7th Otto Odie 7th Otto" HorSpielMusik 44 [Transexual Swiss Rebels EP 2004]
TSR are definitely one of my favorite acts right now. Those three nerds do no wrong. Mostly because their wrong is so right. I'm lucky enough to get all kinds of random tracks and remixes from them and let me tell you, the stuff they actually release is great, but they're sitting on gold as well. Brats! The Ep Sleeve says that this record was only Robi and Fredi...I guess Tomi sat this one out. Still smells like Teen Spirit to me though.
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05 - Subhead "Unknown" Subhead 02 [Forest Friends EP 1996]
One of the best Subhead records to date. I dare you to challenge me on that one. This isn't even the track the EP is known for. I thought I'd give that one a rest. I find the first couple Subhead records (on their label) are crazy good and then it kinda tapers off in the middle of the catalog only to pick up again around 13 or 14...I guess it's good that "tapers off" for Subhead means it's still better than 90% of the Techno out there. They've got that going for them...
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06 - Lief Ryan "Royale Battle" Iron Oxide 04 [Las Vegas Of The North EP 2005]
I completely forgot about this record. I've had it for 2 years apparently and this month is the first time I've put it in my bag to play out. The only reason I rediscovered it is because of my girlfriend. She put on a CD with this track mixed in it. I probably made the CD the week I got the record...It took me a while to figure out what it was again, but I'm glad I did. Lief rocked it hard for Iron Oxide!
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07 - Outsider "Sex is Extra (No Assembly Firm's .Dotbleep Re-Edit)" Junior Boy's Own 12 [Sex is Extra EP 2006]
This is one of those tasty Chicago House records that's come out recently that I can't seem to put down. It grabs people's attention and works well with most anything else I've ever thrown into it. According to Sylvia, my girlfriend it has the three things that go into a perfect track: Bass, Tweak and Vox. I can't refute that.
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08 - Wyndell Long "Chapped Lips" Peacefrog 50 [She Heard Me Cry EP 1996]
Wyndell Long is awesome. Techno, House, Booty...whatever he does. Solid production. Solid understanding of a track. Knows how to jack. This is an older one I first heard played by Terry Mullan. There's another old Wyndell on Peacefrog as well, but it's a more Deep house oriented number. I still recommend it though.
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09 - Frankie Bones "Unknown" Last Label 01 [(Pro)File. (Pro)Duce EP 2004]
I got this from Frankie back before it came out. I had just made a record order through him and he ended up throwing in 3-4 extras into the box. This was one of them. It's a great rework of DHS' "House of God".
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10 - Neil Landstrumm "Help Me" Music Man 98 [Asphyxia EP 2002]
Neil on point. The Bassline does my head in. The flipside with The Horrorist is catchy as hell as well in a sort of haunting chant kinda way.
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11 - Infiniti "Skyway" Tresor 105 [Skynet: The Infiniti Colection LP 1998]
I started the mix off with a track I know Danielle of Blubuni likes and now I toss a track in that I know Eric of Blubuni likes. It's a great track. proof they know their music.
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12 - Kenny Larkin "Catatonic (Carl Craig Mix)" R&S Records 94058 [Catatonic Mixes EP 1994]
I don't think this song can be truly apreciated in a mp3 mix. It needs to be felt as well as heard. The low end in this one does something to you on a good system. The morphing bass and clanks don't stop moving and they funnel your energy so very well...Gold star!
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13 - Luke Hess "Omniscient (Falko Brocksieper Remix)" Beretta Grey 03 [Absolute Truth EP 2007]
I don't know who this is. I was given this record at a gig. It's forgettable almost entirely. The Falko mix however sparks it up. It's his tracky nature shining through I think. That and his more 'full' sounding production. Takes it about 3 notches past the original.
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14 - Massi DL "Minimal Mushrooms" Frankie Records 18 [1UP EP 2007]
I like the bloops in this one.
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15 - Jeremy P. Caulfield "Hollow Sky" Trapez 21 [The Cities EP 2002]
Jeremy is a local boy, although he's moved to Germany. This is one of his earlier releases and to be honest is only 1 of 2 that I've purchased. I think this one is his best. It hits square in the dance floor.
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16 - Massi DL "Minimal Mushrooms" Frankie Records 18 [1UP EP 2007]
I like the bloops in this one.
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17 - Jeremy P. Caulfield "Ripped Backsides" Trapez 21 [The Cities EP 2002]
Jeremy is a local boy, although he's moved to Germany. This is one of his earlier releases and to be honest is only 1 of 2 that I've purchased. I think this one is his best. It hits square in the dance floor.
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18 - S-max "Limited (S-max Kool Aid Edit)" Overdrive 158 [Limited Remixes EP 2005]
S-max is one of the few "minimal" or "tech-house" producers wo I buy without question. This release is a shining example why. It's got the goods in spades. The vocal which comes out almost as an exhalation plus the thin little acid line is enough to satisfy even the hardest of the core.
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19 - Unknown
I don't know what's up with this EP, even took me a while to find the discogs link since there is so little info on it. It's a great Acid record, but beyond that it's a mystery. It's one of my little scores that have been made. You search through enough of what stores call "Acid house" and eventually you actually find one or two.
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01 - The Don "The Horn Song" Strictly Rhythm [The Horn Song EP 1998]
Choon! A relatively recent acquaintance of mine loves this song. I found out last week. So this first tune is for Danielle of Blubuni. Virtually all of Pierre's stuff is good music, but this is definitely one of his personal best.
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02 - Blake Baxter "Energizer" Tresor 97 [Tresor 3 LP 2000]
Another old Detroit gem. I've been on a bit of a motor city rampage lately. Digging up a lot of old stuff and buying a few new ones. Detroit is sorta where I started off so I guess it's only likely I detour through my old haunt from time to time.
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03 - Mark Seven "Gonz Gets F.U." Rotation 98011 [Dancefloor Techniques Volume 1 EP 1998]
I don't quite recall how I discovered Mark Seven, but I'm glad I did. Out of his half dozen or so EPs there is only 1 I only have 1 copy of. The man knows Techno and Funk like I know my navel and junk. This EP in particular is known to anyone who has heard Dave Angel's "39 Flavours of Tech Funk" mix CD. I think 3 of the 4 tracks are featured on it.
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04 - TSR "The 7th Otto Odie 7th Otto" HorSpielMusik 44 [Transexual Swiss Rebels EP 2004]
TSR are definitely one of my favorite acts right now. Those three nerds do no wrong. Mostly because their wrong is so right. I'm lucky enough to get all kinds of random tracks and remixes from them and let me tell you, the stuff they actually release is great, but they're sitting on gold as well. Brats! The Ep Sleeve says that this record was only Robi and Fredi...I guess Tomi sat this one out. Still smells like Teen Spirit to me though.
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05 - Subhead "Unknown" Subhead 02 [Forest Friends EP 1996]
One of the best Subhead records to date. I dare you to challenge me on that one. This isn't even the track the EP is known for. I thought I'd give that one a rest. I find the first couple Subhead records (on their label) are crazy good and then it kinda tapers off in the middle of the catalog only to pick up again around 13 or 14...I guess it's good that "tapers off" for Subhead means it's still better than 90% of the Techno out there. They've got that going for them...
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06 - Lief Ryan "Royale Battle" Iron Oxide 04 [Las Vegas Of The North EP 2005]
I completely forgot about this record. I've had it for 2 years apparently and this month is the first time I've put it in my bag to play out. The only reason I rediscovered it is because of my girlfriend. She put on a CD with this track mixed in it. I probably made the CD the week I got the record...It took me a while to figure out what it was again, but I'm glad I did. Lief rocked it hard for Iron Oxide!
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07 - Outsider "Sex is Extra (No Assembly Firm's .Dotbleep Re-Edit)" Junior Boy's Own 12 [Sex is Extra EP 2006]
This is one of those tasty Chicago House records that's come out recently that I can't seem to put down. It grabs people's attention and works well with most anything else I've ever thrown into it. According to Sylvia, my girlfriend it has the three things that go into a perfect track: Bass, Tweak and Vox. I can't refute that.
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08 - Wyndell Long "Chapped Lips" Peacefrog 50 [She Heard Me Cry EP 1996]
Wyndell Long is awesome. Techno, House, Booty...whatever he does. Solid production. Solid understanding of a track. Knows how to jack. This is an older one I first heard played by Terry Mullan. There's another old Wyndell on Peacefrog as well, but it's a more Deep house oriented number. I still recommend it though.
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09 - Frankie Bones "Unknown" Last Label 01 [(Pro)File. (Pro)Duce EP 2004]
I got this from Frankie back before it came out. I had just made a record order through him and he ended up throwing in 3-4 extras into the box. This was one of them. It's a great rework of DHS' "House of God".
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10 - Neil Landstrumm "Help Me" Music Man 98 [Asphyxia EP 2002]
Neil on point. The Bassline does my head in. The flipside with The Horrorist is catchy as hell as well in a sort of haunting chant kinda way.
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11 - Infiniti "Skyway" Tresor 105 [Skynet: The Infiniti Colection LP 1998]
I started the mix off with a track I know Danielle of Blubuni likes and now I toss a track in that I know Eric of Blubuni likes. It's a great track. proof they know their music.
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12 - Kenny Larkin "Catatonic (Carl Craig Mix)" R&S Records 94058 [Catatonic Mixes EP 1994]
I don't think this song can be truly apreciated in a mp3 mix. It needs to be felt as well as heard. The low end in this one does something to you on a good system. The morphing bass and clanks don't stop moving and they funnel your energy so very well...Gold star!
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13 - Luke Hess "Omniscient (Falko Brocksieper Remix)" Beretta Grey 03 [Absolute Truth EP 2007]
I don't know who this is. I was given this record at a gig. It's forgettable almost entirely. The Falko mix however sparks it up. It's his tracky nature shining through I think. That and his more 'full' sounding production. Takes it about 3 notches past the original.
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14 - Massi DL "Minimal Mushrooms" Frankie Records 18 [1UP EP 2007]
I like the bloops in this one.
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15 - Jeremy P. Caulfield "Hollow Sky" Trapez 21 [The Cities EP 2002]
Jeremy is a local boy, although he's moved to Germany. This is one of his earlier releases and to be honest is only 1 of 2 that I've purchased. I think this one is his best. It hits square in the dance floor.
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16 - Massi DL "Minimal Mushrooms" Frankie Records 18 [1UP EP 2007]
I like the bloops in this one.
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17 - Jeremy P. Caulfield "Ripped Backsides" Trapez 21 [The Cities EP 2002]
Jeremy is a local boy, although he's moved to Germany. This is one of his earlier releases and to be honest is only 1 of 2 that I've purchased. I think this one is his best. It hits square in the dance floor.
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18 - S-max "Limited (S-max Kool Aid Edit)" Overdrive 158 [Limited Remixes EP 2005]
S-max is one of the few "minimal" or "tech-house" producers wo I buy without question. This release is a shining example why. It's got the goods in spades. The vocal which comes out almost as an exhalation plus the thin little acid line is enough to satisfy even the hardest of the core.
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19 - Unknown
I don't know what's up with this EP, even took me a while to find the discogs link since there is so little info on it. It's a great Acid record, but beyond that it's a mystery. It's one of my little scores that have been made. You search through enough of what stores call "Acid house" and eventually you actually find one or two.
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