00 - Edit "Bleep Radio Intro"
When I say Bleep, you say yeaaaahhhhh!
Edit's Web Site
01 - Z-Bomb "Unknown" Bunker [Keepers Of The Cheese Ep 2007]
Along the lines of old Circuit Breaker and other such tastey stuff. This track is a stab at the heart of those who like their music clean and in it's place. No idea who this Z-Bomb cat is, but we all know what Bunker is. Or we should at any rate. They're currently in one of their runs of good music. Always have to take advantage of that when it happens.
Discog's link w/ more info...
02 - Fugo "System Overload" Neue Heimat 24 [Robots Engaged In Bondage EP]
Another great track off an EP I've been toting around a lot again. It's a slow burner, it catches your ear without you really catching it doing so. Neue heimat needs to step up the pace with it's releases. I choose to ignore the rumour of no more Neue Heimats until I hear it right from someone's mouth who at the very least holds the position of CEO or higher.
Discog's link w/ more info...
03 - Digital Princezz "Lazy Milk Man" Mutter 13 [The Owner Of Half The World EP 2001]
There is some controversy over who exactly DP is. I personally don't care. I do know that about half of what DP releases is some pretty pimpin Techno. I can live with that. I wasn't too huge a fan of the latest DP on Feinwerk. It's ok, but what that means is the next one will probably rock.
Discog's link w/ more info...
04 - Neil Landstrumm "Pussy Puppy" Tresor 170 [Glamourama EP 2001]
I think this EP had something to do with a video game..??? I'm probably wrong. I can't even remember where that silly nonsense crept into my head from. I can tell you with certainty that this whole record is a bad-ass record. As you can tell for yourself if you're here already in the set.
Discog's link w/ more info...
05 - TJR "I'm In The Pocket" Tonewrecker 13 [I'm In The Pocket EP 2007]
When I initially heard the track sample for this when the release was announced I wasn't keen on the TJR mix. I absolutely loved Paul Birken's, but this mix didn't sit well with me. Now that I have the record and I can hear it loud and clear and at full length...I can tell you it's awesome. One of those cross-genre songs I love so much. I'll be able to listen and or play this anywhere and it'll go over well with whomever.
Discog's link w/ more info...
06 - Luke's Anger "Yo Ass" Bowwow 05 [Dead Like Elvis Ep 2006]
This EP has future classic written all over it. Of course that's just me being cheeky with my markers, but it's for good reason. I can't even really describe the overall sound of the EP. it's got so much variety crammed into 4 tracks it should be made into the National Anthem for one of the smallish countries.
Discog's link w/ more info...
07 - Blackmass Plastics "Gatesmasher" Bowwow 06 [Quarantine Zone EP 2007]
Blackmass is a new found artist for me. Someone forgot to keep me in the loop a few years back for about 10 minutes and it resulted in me missing out on some gold. Big up the Uk badness this guy represents. I love it and want more.
Discog's link w/ more info...
08 - Fix "Dope Computer" KMS 43 [Flash EP 1992]
I think we all know this record. By ear at any rate. Now you know what it is, if you didn't already. Classic tune on the flip, but Dope Computer is just as good and doesn't get as much air time. Changed that!
Discog's link w/ more info...
09 - Smooky "Fresh (Feat. Nino-Fight, MC Coeld'r, Dj Idem)" Electronik Weed Crew 07 [Do You Remembmer Ep 2007]
A lot of nerds went on saying this EP wasn't as good as previous Smooky/EWC material. Sure it may be a change of pace for them, but if you want to get all nasty every time someone tries something a tad different than I suggest eating something long and cumbersome. Ho! It's great fun, who doesn't like Swedish Mc'ing on top of a Kool and the Gang's remix of "Fresh"?
Discog's link w/ more info...
10 - Jacob London "The Casino Squirrels and Lounge Shooter" Utensil 19 [Droppin Squirrels EP 2007]
I actually played the wrong song on this EP, but I figured it was too late to turn back. It's still good of course. Anyone who's live-sets involve singing into a vocoder stuffed into a monkey's anus can't go too wrong.
Discog's link w/ more info...
11 - The Wee Djs "Kick it VIP" Combat Recordings 10 [Darkhorse Dubs Ep 2006]
Another Wee track. I'm a big Wee fan. The low end, whether it's distorted or not, is always done proper. The little extra squiggly bleeps are what do my head in though.
Discog's link w/ more info...
12 - Daze Maxim "Unknown" White
The one sheet that came with this has fallen out. I believe it's Serial killer's Haircut 31, but since the info has been lost I can't be sure. I should have markered it on like the rest I know. Ok. I'm 98% sure this is SKH 01. Confirmation so I can write it on the damn record already?
13 - Blackmass Plastics "Freak House" Rag & Bone 11 [Four Aces Ep 2006]
Yadda Yadda BMP. Right after I heard the Bowwow Ep I did some digging for any other BMP I might like. The problem was I couldn't find one I didn't like and this was the only other one in stock. My eyes are peeled now.
Discog's link w/ more info...
14 - Jason Leach "Untitled" Input-Output 11 [Beateater EP 2005]
Cynthia Stern's label is currently one of my favorites. Top 5 for sure. It's likely to stay there for a while too. I could see him messing it all up by suddenly only releasing Germanic Polka mash-ups or something. Great label + Jason Leach = Holy trouser trout! The long chiptune/breabeat gem on the flip is what I usually play the snot out of, I thought I'd try this side out today. Sounds like I should have checked it out sooner.
Discog's link w/ more info...
15 - Youngman & Landstrumm "Double Bag It" Input-Output 09 [Destroyaz EP 2005]
The Destroyaz they call themselves when touring together and that's exactly what they do. A certified legend and another one in the making?
Discog's link w/ more info...
16 - Joy Division "She's Lost Control (Neil Landstrumm Cover Version)" Scandinavia 25 [Factory Revival Ep 2006]
When Neil takes hold of the reins and vocals are involved he seems to get better and better. I can't remember an instance of it not being awesome, but it improves every time as well. This one was a project that sat close to home for him, influential music from his early music beginnings.
Discog's link w/ more info...
17 - Caucasian Boy "Honey Dip (Prime Cutz Mix)" Strictly Rhythm 12201 [HoneyDip/Northern Lights EP 1993]
There's always room for acid. This is a bit of an oldie that may not sit well with some. I would even be tempted to say it's a bit of a light weight these days. I was in the mood for it though so what I can say?
Discog's link w/ more info...
18 - Lambda "Hold On Tight (Laidback Luke Remix)" La Maison Grande [Hold On Tight LP 1999]
I first heard the original mix of this played by Barry Weaver back in the 90's sometime. I didn't know what it was at the time, but it stuck in my head. I was thoroughly stoked when I was skimming through new releases one day and discovered not only what it was, but that it was also being repressed. I love those happy occurences!
Discog's link w/ more info...
19 - DadaBleep "Nikeshirts" RZ Music 20 [Nikeshirts EP 2007]
RZ rocks out again with another record that could have been written 15 years ago, but wasn't.A new take on the classic acid sound. Always welcome in my home. It reminds me of another record that was big about 2 years ago. And now for the life of me I can't remember just what the hell that other record is. I'll ponder some more...
Discog's link w/ more info...
Download the July 5th, 2007 Archive
2 Votes
Bleep Radio #66: Trevor Wilkes
Posted by
isoprax 4122 days ago
bleep radio
fun in the murky
trevor wilkes
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When I say Bleep, you say yeaaaahhhhh!
Edit's Web Site
01 - Z-Bomb "Unknown" Bunker [Keepers Of The Cheese Ep 2007]
Along the lines of old Circuit Breaker and other such tastey stuff. This track is a stab at the heart of those who like their music clean and in it's place. No idea who this Z-Bomb cat is, but we all know what Bunker is. Or we should at any rate. They're currently in one of their runs of good music. Always have to take advantage of that when it happens.
Discog's link w/ more info...
02 - Fugo "System Overload" Neue Heimat 24 [Robots Engaged In Bondage EP]
Another great track off an EP I've been toting around a lot again. It's a slow burner, it catches your ear without you really catching it doing so. Neue heimat needs to step up the pace with it's releases. I choose to ignore the rumour of no more Neue Heimats until I hear it right from someone's mouth who at the very least holds the position of CEO or higher.
Discog's link w/ more info...
03 - Digital Princezz "Lazy Milk Man" Mutter 13 [The Owner Of Half The World EP 2001]
There is some controversy over who exactly DP is. I personally don't care. I do know that about half of what DP releases is some pretty pimpin Techno. I can live with that. I wasn't too huge a fan of the latest DP on Feinwerk. It's ok, but what that means is the next one will probably rock.
Discog's link w/ more info...
04 - Neil Landstrumm "Pussy Puppy" Tresor 170 [Glamourama EP 2001]
I think this EP had something to do with a video game..??? I'm probably wrong. I can't even remember where that silly nonsense crept into my head from. I can tell you with certainty that this whole record is a bad-ass record. As you can tell for yourself if you're here already in the set.
Discog's link w/ more info...
05 - TJR "I'm In The Pocket" Tonewrecker 13 [I'm In The Pocket EP 2007]
When I initially heard the track sample for this when the release was announced I wasn't keen on the TJR mix. I absolutely loved Paul Birken's, but this mix didn't sit well with me. Now that I have the record and I can hear it loud and clear and at full length...I can tell you it's awesome. One of those cross-genre songs I love so much. I'll be able to listen and or play this anywhere and it'll go over well with whomever.
Discog's link w/ more info...
06 - Luke's Anger "Yo Ass" Bowwow 05 [Dead Like Elvis Ep 2006]
This EP has future classic written all over it. Of course that's just me being cheeky with my markers, but it's for good reason. I can't even really describe the overall sound of the EP. it's got so much variety crammed into 4 tracks it should be made into the National Anthem for one of the smallish countries.
Discog's link w/ more info...
07 - Blackmass Plastics "Gatesmasher" Bowwow 06 [Quarantine Zone EP 2007]
Blackmass is a new found artist for me. Someone forgot to keep me in the loop a few years back for about 10 minutes and it resulted in me missing out on some gold. Big up the Uk badness this guy represents. I love it and want more.
Discog's link w/ more info...
08 - Fix "Dope Computer" KMS 43 [Flash EP 1992]
I think we all know this record. By ear at any rate. Now you know what it is, if you didn't already. Classic tune on the flip, but Dope Computer is just as good and doesn't get as much air time. Changed that!
Discog's link w/ more info...
09 - Smooky "Fresh (Feat. Nino-Fight, MC Coeld'r, Dj Idem)" Electronik Weed Crew 07 [Do You Remembmer Ep 2007]
A lot of nerds went on saying this EP wasn't as good as previous Smooky/EWC material. Sure it may be a change of pace for them, but if you want to get all nasty every time someone tries something a tad different than I suggest eating something long and cumbersome. Ho! It's great fun, who doesn't like Swedish Mc'ing on top of a Kool and the Gang's remix of "Fresh"?
Discog's link w/ more info...
10 - Jacob London "The Casino Squirrels and Lounge Shooter" Utensil 19 [Droppin Squirrels EP 2007]
I actually played the wrong song on this EP, but I figured it was too late to turn back. It's still good of course. Anyone who's live-sets involve singing into a vocoder stuffed into a monkey's anus can't go too wrong.
Discog's link w/ more info...
11 - The Wee Djs "Kick it VIP" Combat Recordings 10 [Darkhorse Dubs Ep 2006]
Another Wee track. I'm a big Wee fan. The low end, whether it's distorted or not, is always done proper. The little extra squiggly bleeps are what do my head in though.
Discog's link w/ more info...
12 - Daze Maxim "Unknown" White
The one sheet that came with this has fallen out. I believe it's Serial killer's Haircut 31, but since the info has been lost I can't be sure. I should have markered it on like the rest I know. Ok. I'm 98% sure this is SKH 01. Confirmation so I can write it on the damn record already?
13 - Blackmass Plastics "Freak House" Rag & Bone 11 [Four Aces Ep 2006]
Yadda Yadda BMP. Right after I heard the Bowwow Ep I did some digging for any other BMP I might like. The problem was I couldn't find one I didn't like and this was the only other one in stock. My eyes are peeled now.
Discog's link w/ more info...
14 - Jason Leach "Untitled" Input-Output 11 [Beateater EP 2005]
Cynthia Stern's label is currently one of my favorites. Top 5 for sure. It's likely to stay there for a while too. I could see him messing it all up by suddenly only releasing Germanic Polka mash-ups or something. Great label + Jason Leach = Holy trouser trout! The long chiptune/breabeat gem on the flip is what I usually play the snot out of, I thought I'd try this side out today. Sounds like I should have checked it out sooner.
Discog's link w/ more info...
15 - Youngman & Landstrumm "Double Bag It" Input-Output 09 [Destroyaz EP 2005]
The Destroyaz they call themselves when touring together and that's exactly what they do. A certified legend and another one in the making?
Discog's link w/ more info...
16 - Joy Division "She's Lost Control (Neil Landstrumm Cover Version)" Scandinavia 25 [Factory Revival Ep 2006]
When Neil takes hold of the reins and vocals are involved he seems to get better and better. I can't remember an instance of it not being awesome, but it improves every time as well. This one was a project that sat close to home for him, influential music from his early music beginnings.
Discog's link w/ more info...
17 - Caucasian Boy "Honey Dip (Prime Cutz Mix)" Strictly Rhythm 12201 [HoneyDip/Northern Lights EP 1993]
There's always room for acid. This is a bit of an oldie that may not sit well with some. I would even be tempted to say it's a bit of a light weight these days. I was in the mood for it though so what I can say?
Discog's link w/ more info...
18 - Lambda "Hold On Tight (Laidback Luke Remix)" La Maison Grande [Hold On Tight LP 1999]
I first heard the original mix of this played by Barry Weaver back in the 90's sometime. I didn't know what it was at the time, but it stuck in my head. I was thoroughly stoked when I was skimming through new releases one day and discovered not only what it was, but that it was also being repressed. I love those happy occurences!
Discog's link w/ more info...
19 - DadaBleep "Nikeshirts" RZ Music 20 [Nikeshirts EP 2007]
RZ rocks out again with another record that could have been written 15 years ago, but wasn't.A new take on the classic acid sound. Always welcome in my home. It reminds me of another record that was big about 2 years ago. And now for the life of me I can't remember just what the hell that other record is. I'll ponder some more...
Discog's link w/ more info...
Download the July 5th, 2007 Archive">

Edit's Web Site
01 - Z-Bomb "Unknown" Bunker [Keepers Of The Cheese Ep 2007]
Along the lines of old Circuit Breaker and other such tastey stuff. This track is a stab at the heart of those who like their music clean and in it's place. No idea who this Z-Bomb cat is, but we all know what Bunker is. Or we should at any rate. They're currently in one of their runs of good music. Always have to take advantage of that when it happens.
Discog's link w/ more info...
02 - Fugo "System Overload" Neue Heimat 24 [Robots Engaged In Bondage EP]
Another great track off an EP I've been toting around a lot again. It's a slow burner, it catches your ear without you really catching it doing so. Neue heimat needs to step up the pace with it's releases. I choose to ignore the rumour of no more Neue Heimats until I hear it right from someone's mouth who at the very least holds the position of CEO or higher.
Discog's link w/ more info...
03 - Digital Princezz "Lazy Milk Man" Mutter 13 [The Owner Of Half The World EP 2001]
There is some controversy over who exactly DP is. I personally don't care. I do know that about half of what DP releases is some pretty pimpin Techno. I can live with that. I wasn't too huge a fan of the latest DP on Feinwerk. It's ok, but what that means is the next one will probably rock.
Discog's link w/ more info...
04 - Neil Landstrumm "Pussy Puppy" Tresor 170 [Glamourama EP 2001]
I think this EP had something to do with a video game..??? I'm probably wrong. I can't even remember where that silly nonsense crept into my head from. I can tell you with certainty that this whole record is a bad-ass record. As you can tell for yourself if you're here already in the set.
Discog's link w/ more info...
05 - TJR "I'm In The Pocket" Tonewrecker 13 [I'm In The Pocket EP 2007]
When I initially heard the track sample for this when the release was announced I wasn't keen on the TJR mix. I absolutely loved Paul Birken's, but this mix didn't sit well with me. Now that I have the record and I can hear it loud and clear and at full length...I can tell you it's awesome. One of those cross-genre songs I love so much. I'll be able to listen and or play this anywhere and it'll go over well with whomever.
Discog's link w/ more info...
06 - Luke's Anger "Yo Ass" Bowwow 05 [Dead Like Elvis Ep 2006]
This EP has future classic written all over it. Of course that's just me being cheeky with my markers, but it's for good reason. I can't even really describe the overall sound of the EP. it's got so much variety crammed into 4 tracks it should be made into the National Anthem for one of the smallish countries.
Discog's link w/ more info...
07 - Blackmass Plastics "Gatesmasher" Bowwow 06 [Quarantine Zone EP 2007]
Blackmass is a new found artist for me. Someone forgot to keep me in the loop a few years back for about 10 minutes and it resulted in me missing out on some gold. Big up the Uk badness this guy represents. I love it and want more.
Discog's link w/ more info...
08 - Fix "Dope Computer" KMS 43 [Flash EP 1992]
I think we all know this record. By ear at any rate. Now you know what it is, if you didn't already. Classic tune on the flip, but Dope Computer is just as good and doesn't get as much air time. Changed that!
Discog's link w/ more info...
09 - Smooky "Fresh (Feat. Nino-Fight, MC Coeld'r, Dj Idem)" Electronik Weed Crew 07 [Do You Remembmer Ep 2007]
A lot of nerds went on saying this EP wasn't as good as previous Smooky/EWC material. Sure it may be a change of pace for them, but if you want to get all nasty every time someone tries something a tad different than I suggest eating something long and cumbersome. Ho! It's great fun, who doesn't like Swedish Mc'ing on top of a Kool and the Gang's remix of "Fresh"?
Discog's link w/ more info...
10 - Jacob London "The Casino Squirrels and Lounge Shooter" Utensil 19 [Droppin Squirrels EP 2007]
I actually played the wrong song on this EP, but I figured it was too late to turn back. It's still good of course. Anyone who's live-sets involve singing into a vocoder stuffed into a monkey's anus can't go too wrong.
Discog's link w/ more info...
11 - The Wee Djs "Kick it VIP" Combat Recordings 10 [Darkhorse Dubs Ep 2006]
Another Wee track. I'm a big Wee fan. The low end, whether it's distorted or not, is always done proper. The little extra squiggly bleeps are what do my head in though.
Discog's link w/ more info...
12 - Daze Maxim "Unknown" White
The one sheet that came with this has fallen out. I believe it's Serial killer's Haircut 31, but since the info has been lost I can't be sure. I should have markered it on like the rest I know. Ok. I'm 98% sure this is SKH 01. Confirmation so I can write it on the damn record already?
13 - Blackmass Plastics "Freak House" Rag & Bone 11 [Four Aces Ep 2006]
Yadda Yadda BMP. Right after I heard the Bowwow Ep I did some digging for any other BMP I might like. The problem was I couldn't find one I didn't like and this was the only other one in stock. My eyes are peeled now.
Discog's link w/ more info...
14 - Jason Leach "Untitled" Input-Output 11 [Beateater EP 2005]
Cynthia Stern's label is currently one of my favorites. Top 5 for sure. It's likely to stay there for a while too. I could see him messing it all up by suddenly only releasing Germanic Polka mash-ups or something. Great label + Jason Leach = Holy trouser trout! The long chiptune/breabeat gem on the flip is what I usually play the snot out of, I thought I'd try this side out today. Sounds like I should have checked it out sooner.
Discog's link w/ more info...
15 - Youngman & Landstrumm "Double Bag It" Input-Output 09 [Destroyaz EP 2005]
The Destroyaz they call themselves when touring together and that's exactly what they do. A certified legend and another one in the making?
Discog's link w/ more info...
16 - Joy Division "She's Lost Control (Neil Landstrumm Cover Version)" Scandinavia 25 [Factory Revival Ep 2006]
When Neil takes hold of the reins and vocals are involved he seems to get better and better. I can't remember an instance of it not being awesome, but it improves every time as well. This one was a project that sat close to home for him, influential music from his early music beginnings.
Discog's link w/ more info...
17 - Caucasian Boy "Honey Dip (Prime Cutz Mix)" Strictly Rhythm 12201 [HoneyDip/Northern Lights EP 1993]
There's always room for acid. This is a bit of an oldie that may not sit well with some. I would even be tempted to say it's a bit of a light weight these days. I was in the mood for it though so what I can say?
Discog's link w/ more info...
18 - Lambda "Hold On Tight (Laidback Luke Remix)" La Maison Grande [Hold On Tight LP 1999]
I first heard the original mix of this played by Barry Weaver back in the 90's sometime. I didn't know what it was at the time, but it stuck in my head. I was thoroughly stoked when I was skimming through new releases one day and discovered not only what it was, but that it was also being repressed. I love those happy occurences!
Discog's link w/ more info...
19 - DadaBleep "Nikeshirts" RZ Music 20 [Nikeshirts EP 2007]
RZ rocks out again with another record that could have been written 15 years ago, but wasn't.A new take on the classic acid sound. Always welcome in my home. It reminds me of another record that was big about 2 years ago. And now for the life of me I can't remember just what the hell that other record is. I'll ponder some more...
Discog's link w/ more info...
Download the July 5th, 2007 Archive">

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